This is the reason that you must visit Confidential Parlor

Tantric massage is a well renowned technique used in multiple cultures in the world to help relieve body tension and to stimulate the senses and to help the mind relax and forget all about stress and other unpleasant events that had happened over a short period of time. But what exactly makes tantric and erotic massage so great? And where you can get the best taste of something like that? Well you can find out more at Confidential once you cross the threshold of the best erotic massage parlor in Bucharest.
What make Confidential so great? Its all about the girls that are working there. They are more than just amazing masseuses, their personality and open minds is what makes them so great. They will stop at nothing from showing you the time of your life and from making you feel completely relaxed and at ease with the world. Once they will lay their experienced hands all over your body you will instantly start understanding this completely. There is nothing that can even compare to the feeling that you will get once a masseuse from Confidential starts rubbing her perfect body all over yours and once she starts touching you.
Your body will feel completely relaxed, you mind will concentrate only on the massage and you will start forgetting all about your problems and worries. Once you get a taste of all the things that such a woman can do for you, you will want nothing more in your life. All that you have to do is unwind and let your mind relax. The masseuse will take care of the rest and will stop at nothing from showing you the time of your life. So whenever you feel down and just need to unwind and set your mind free from all your problems, just cross the threshold of this great establishment and you will have a taste of what means to be truly relaxed.
There is nothing that can even compare to the care that these girls will show you. If you want to see exactly how the girls look and what they can do for you, just check the site to find out more at Confidential. Experience true relaxation. Let loose and feel like never before. Come and have a taste of the great girls from Confidential.

Tacerea n-ajuta steaua cazatoare

E greu sa taci. Mai ales cand cuvintele-ti umbla acut prin vene, iti umfla degetele, gata sa le despice si sa se-mprastie pe taste, rasfirand sange de litera si apa de virgula intreita. Zilele trecute mi-au fost grele din multe motive. Inclusiv pentru ca am aflat, fara sa vreau, despre un tata care a scris o scrisoare aparte unui prieten mai vechi. Nu era treaba lui sa scrie, dar se pare ca l-a sensibilizat prea mult un anume subiect (detaliile nu conteaza aici). E dureros sa stii ca tatal s-a laudat, printre altele, cu copilul lui „realizat” (in curand chiar o sa fac alergie la termenul asta) intr-o asa zisa munca ori cariera binemeritata si in care e perfect multumit, cand realitatea e alta: copilul e trist, depresiv, neimplinit, cu dureri ale inimii ce-i frang si vointa si putinta, cu lacrimi in suflet ce nu-nceteaza a curge pentru ca nu si-a indeplinit menirea fireasca pentru care Dumnezeu l-a lasat pe pamant. E dureros nu neaparat ca tatal se lauda cu…ceva atat de anost, de fad si fals, aproape inexistent si oricum neimportant pentru al sau copil, ci ca neaga in continuare inima copilului sau si tot ce locuieste in ea, ca refuza sa accepte an ormalitatea lui, suferintele lui, lacrimile lui afisate ori ascunse in spatele unui zambet, spun unii, cateodata chiar fermecator. Si atunci e greu sa taci. De aici si toate revarsarile inciudate pe care le-ati tot citit in ultima vreme. Cu toate astea, aseara, cand am scris despre acel ceas si un pic, ma refeream la un fragment-marturisire de credinta aflat pe Internet. Il puteti asculta/citi aici. M-am sfiit initial sa spun despre ce era vorba, dar iata ca unii s-au si gandit la nustiuce extaz, de buna seama fizic, experimentat in fapt de seara, in acea ora si un pic. A fost intr-adevar un alt fel de extaz, o zguduire din temelii a unei cetati proprii oricum prost cioplita, ruinata si cam roz, un dus rece, aspru, deloc bland, dar incrancenarea de zile, de dinaintea acelei ore, s-a dus… plapand, usor, ca un firicel de apa ce curge timid la vale, lasand in urma sa doar dara umeda a unei stele continuu cazand. Muzica – probabil tot ca de obicei, fara legatura cu subiectul, ci doar pentru ca mi-a sunat azi repetat in urechile inimii:

IT & Life.. Published @ 2023 by fantezii